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About Legacy Of Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha (MKSSS), Pune.

The 121-year-old parent body has been committed to “Empowerment of women through education”. The Institution has a century long history of dedicated work towards making women educated and self-reliant. MKSSS, Pune was established in 1896 by the great visionary and social worker Bharat Ratna Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve to provide shelter to destitute women.

Prof. D. K. Karve founded an Institution in a village called “Hingne” near Pune City. The Institution was named “Hingne Stree Shikshan Sanstha”. Later, the Institution was renamed “Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha”.

Prof. Karve founded this Institution to uplift, emancipate, and educate the destitute and downtrodden. Prof. Karve dedicated his whole life to this humanitarian cause with great determination and courage. He was awarded “Bharat Ratna” the highest national award for his sacrifice and dedicated social work and his contribution to the noble cause.

On 14th June in the year 1896, in the village ‘Hingne’ near Pune city, Maharshi Karve started a “Home for Widows”, along with a school for Widows, so that they become educated and self-reliant. He fought throughout his life to make this happen. The “Home for Widows” was then named ‘Hingne Stree Shikshan Sanstha’ and the school was named ‘Mahilashram High School’.

Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha, (MKSSS), Pune has diversified branches all over Maharashtra in India and about 25,000 girl students are learning in these institutions. Over the period of last 119 years, the Institution has grown like a banyan tree and at present, it is running 62 educational and other units. These units are located at Pune, Satara, Wai, Ratnagiri, Nagpur, Kamshet etc. All these units are meant only for girls or women.

Around 25,000 girl students are learning in Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary schools and Colleges. We have established Engineering, Architecture, Management, Nursing, Fashion Technology, Vocational Training Institute, Health Center etc. These branches strive to develop women into truly performing citizens in today’s globalization era. We also have hostel facilities for students and working women and old age home for senior citizens.

In the 18th century, social pattern in India was such that no women were going to schools for education. With the purpose of upliftment , emancipation and education of women, who formed a major section of the socially downtrodden, Maharshi D. K. Karve founded an Institution called “Hingne Stree Shikshan Samstha”, in the year 1896. Prof. Karve dedicated his whole life for this humanitarian cause with great determination and courage.

Bharat Ratna Maharshi Karve, a revered Visionary with extraordinary legacy of work in the field of women emancipation and education, is the inspiration and guiding soul behind the MKSSS’s vision of “Empowered Women playing equal role in Society and Nation building”. In keeping up with the vision, MKSSS strives to build a society of equal opportunities, social justice, a society where women will have their due importance, can live an enriched quality of life, a life of freedom and personal fulfillment. MKSSS works towards empowerment and enrichment of women through education, innovative training for life skills and job skills, pioneering the entry of women in new technology areas and new job domains. MKSSS’s vision also includes facilitating self employment, awareness and sensitivity to women issues in society.

Bharat Ratna Maharshi Karve, a revered Visionary with extraordinary legacy of work in the field of women emancipation and education, is the inspiration and guiding soul behind the MKSSS’s vision of “Empowered Women playing equal role in Society and Nation building”. In keeping up with the vision, MKSSS strives to build a society of equal opportunities, social justice, a society where women will have their due importance, can live an enriched quality of life, a life of freedom and personal fulfillment. MKSSS works towards empowerment and enrichment of women through education, innovative training for life skills and job skills, pioneering the entry of women in new technology areas and new job domains. MKSSS’s vision also includes facilitating self employment, awareness and sensitivity to women issues in society.

Name of the Institution is in Indian language. In this name, Karve is the name of the founder. He was called as Maharshi which means a great sage. Stree means women, Shikshan means education and Samstha means Institution. This is an Institution dedicated for women’s education.

“To develop women professionals who are academically and technically sound with strong ethics and above all are good human beings”.

  • Dalit Mitra Puraskar for remarkable social work awarded by Maharashtra Govt. (1978).
  • Smt. Vimlabai Tidake Award for excellent work in the field of Mahila Bal Kalyan awarded by Smt. Vimlabai Tidake Samajseva Trust, Nagpur. (1998)
  • Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Puraskar for remarkable social work, awarded by Mahila and Balkalyan Dept. of Maharashtra Government (1999-2000)
  • Rotary International Award for Humanity to Society? awarded by Rotary International, New Delhi, in the year of Women Empowerment. (2001)


Nursing is one of the best career options available to science students after HSC. It has been a profession with high standards and a strong of sense of public service for over 150 years. Nurses have played and continue to play a critically important role in meeting the vast & deep need for affordable quality health care in India & abroad. We have a superb facility that illustrates perfectly that nursing is both an art and science An inter-disciplinary learning environment is promoted in the college where faculty and students actively engage in intellectual dialogues and scientific inquiry. Our students get their practical training at the specialized hospital in Nagpur. The students are guided by clinical supervisors/Instructors in the Clinical area. We provide a learner-centered education in which students are immersed in rigorous, relevant, and creative clinical learning experiences. We provide 100% placement assistance at our campus. We not only concentrate on fulfilling curricular objectives but we aim at overall personal development of our students who can build a meaningful and successful life without compromising on values, traditions, and beliefs.

– Mrs. Rupa A. Verma (Principal, Mksss College of Nursing for Women, Nagpur)

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MKSSSCONW Institute Profile:

Smt. Sitabai Nargundkar’s daughter Smt. Shakuntala Nargundkar donated All her property at Nagpur for Samstha’s mission of empowerment of women through Education. Today this campus is known as Nargundkar Shaikshanik Sankul where the administrative office of the Nursing College is located.

This college was established in 2007, in Nagpur, with a noble Intention to develop professional Nurses by imparting quality education through well-qualified teaching staff and rich clinical experience at renowned hospitals in Nagpur.

Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi & Maharashtra Nursing Council, Mumbai

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nasik.

The primary purpose of the program is to prepare graduates to assume responsibilities in the primary, secondary, and tertiary health care of people as professional nurses. It is expected that graduates will be capable of teaching and supervising appropriate nursing and health care in different settings and participate in the administration of nursing services and education

The institute is “committed to developing conscientious, confident and caring nursing professionals of international repute.”

  • We are committed to learner centered education in which students are immersed in rigorous, relevant and creative learning experiences.
  • Our institution builds clinical partnership in which resources, knowledge and experiences are reciprocated and connected through professional relationship and collaboration.
  • We promote an interdisciplinary learning environment where faculty and students actively engage in intellectual dialogues and scientific enquiry.
  • We embrace humanity, quality, scholarship and diversity.
  • To provide a broad-based education for preparation of nursing personnel to provide preventive, promotive and rehabilitative health services at hospital and community setting.
  • To prepare a corps of well-qualified nurses for leadership, critical thinking skills, managerial skills in making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
  • To create a centre of excellence for the pursuit of higher studies in nursing so that the institution serves better to the contemporary and future needs of nursing development.

Sr. No.




Dr.Dhananjay Kulkarni



Shri. Ravindra Deo



Shri Jayant Inamdar



Dr. P.V.S Shastry



Shri Shrikant Chitale



Shri Shrikant Gadge



Dr. Ujwala Deshpande



Dr. Renuka Jambhorkar



Dr. Pradeep Joshi



Dr. Rupa Verma



Nursing is not only a professional career but a service to humanity. The credit for successes achieved in the healthcare sector by enhancing the life expectancy and eradication of epidemic diseases goes, in general, to research in medical sciences but in particular to modern nursing practices.

So let’s enter the world of service to mankind to become अनुरक्तः शुचिर्दक्षो बुद्धिमान परिचारकः। वा.सू.१ i.e of loving nature, completely clean on a physical and mental level, always alert in your duties, and well learned.

Forget not the mission of the chosen noble profession! Rest not till you achieve the goal !!

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